CALL 9-1-1 to report a fire, get an ambulance or get help from the police. Suspicious activity in the neighborhood should also be reported immediately to 9-1-1.
City of Dallas
City of Dallas website has comprehensive information on city services, city government, and interactive capability to request information and services from the city.
3-1-1 is your one call to City Hall!
Use it to request city services such as street repairs or traffic signal issues, non-emergency police and fire assistance, city information, and submit a concern or code violation. Violations that can be reported are: high weeds, litter, loose animal, obstruction (street, alley, sidewalk), open and vacent structure, illegal signs, graffeti, and illegal dumping.
To access Dallas’ 3-1-1 service either:
- Dial 3-1-1 or dial 214-670-5111 if dialing 3-1-1 is not accepted on your phone service
- Visit DallasCityHall and click “To Request a City Service”
- Download the new 3-1-1 App at DallasCityHall
Garbage Collection and Recycling
The City of Dallas operates under OneDay – all you have to do is set our your garbage and your recycling roll carts for collection on your designated day – WEDNESDAY – for Lakewood Trails.
Nearly all paper, glass, plastic and metal items can be recycled. For more information on recycling and sanitation services, visit the City of Dallas
Recycling website.
Brush and Bulky Trash
Brush and bulky trash items include large limbs, shrubbery, bagged leaves (in sealed bags with a maximum 50 gallon capacity), furniture, appliances (appliances with Freon, e.g. refrigerators, are NOT accepted), mattresses and box springs. To help you get these items out in time for pickup, you are allowed to start putting these materials out starting on the Thursday BEFORE your collection week.
Lakewood Trails brush and bulky trash pickup is the third full week of the month. Items must be set out by 7am on the Monday of collection week, but not earlier than the Thursday before our collection week.
Violations will result in a citation up to $2000.
Mandatory Watering Guidelines
- Twice-Weekly Watering Schedule became permanent on April 23, 2012. More information
- Residents with street addresses ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8) can water on Sundays and Thursdays. Residents with addresses ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9) can water on Saturdays and Wednesdays. These restrictions apply to automatic or in-ground irrigation systems and hose end sprinklers only.
- Watering is prohibited between 10am and 6pm between April 1 and October 31.
- Drip irrigation, hand-watering and soaker hoses are allowed at any time.
- Rain and Freeze sensors are required on all automatic sprinkler systems.
- Don’t water during any type of precipitation.
- Maintain your irrigation system to prevent waste by repairing broken, missing, or misdirected sprinkler heads.
- Don’t allow your sprinkler system to water driveways, sidewalks and streets.
- If you use more than 15,000 gallons a month, you’ll pay a surcharge on the amount above 15,000 gallons.
Security Alarm Permit
Make sure that you get a security alarm permit if your security system is audible and/or monitored to provide police response. For residents, an annual permit fee is $50 and you are allowed only three false alarms in a 12 month period. Fines for more than that range from $50 to $100 each. For more information call 3-1-1 or to submit a security alarm application, visit the City of Dallas
Special Collections Registration website.
Pet Owners
Leash Law: The leash law in Dallas requires that your dog be leashed anytime it is off of your property and not within a fenced enclosure. The only public property where the dog may be off leash is in one of the dog parks.
Pooper Scooper Law: The Dallas ''Pooper Scooper'' ordinance includes fines of up to $50 for pet owners whose dog droppings end up anywhere but their own lawns. It further requires those individuals to have in their possession a device for the safe and sanitary removal and disposal of dog feces. Violators may be reported to the City by calling 3-1-1, and they are also subject to citation and possible fine if observed by city officers at any time.
Registration: The City of Dallas Animal Services require annual registration of all dogs and cats. This can be done my mail or online and requires up-to-date vaccination information along with a $7 fee for spayed or neutered pets and $30 for unaltered pets.
City Code Enforcement
Report any violations to 3-1-1 or 214-670-5111 . Thank you for keeping our neighborhood clean and free of code violations.
Litter and Weeds: Homeowners or tenants are responsible for keeping their lawns mowed, clippings mulched or cleared and the property free of litter. The property must be maintained between the curb in front of the house to the middle of the alley or back property line. Weeds or grass more than 12 inches high is a violation of a City Code subject to a court citation and/or bill for lawn mowing.
Obstructions: The occupant or owner is responsible for keeping street, alley, sidewalk and public grounds clear of obstruction. This includes the trimming of trees and shrubbery which may obstruct an alley or sidewalk.
Signs: It is a violation of City Code to post any signs on a utility pole, tree or in a City right-of-way.
Illegal Storage: Any item that is not customarily used or stored outside or is not made of material that is resistant to damage or deterioration from exposure to the outdoors cannot be placed outside on your property. This ordinance applies to items stored on the front or rear yard of the property or on an open porch or carport. Exceptions include motor vehicles on improved surfaces, lawn furniture and landscaping items.
Garage Sales: A Garage Sale Permit is required before conducting a garage sale. A garage sale permit ($15) can now be purchased at any Dallas Public Library location. There is a limit of two garage sales at an address during any twelve month period and each sale may not exceed more than three consecutive calendar days in length. One sign is allowed on the lot where the sale is taking place. Signs placed on medians, public property or utility poles are illegal.
Noise: The city of Dallas defines offensive noise as "audible sound or vibration detectable across the property line of a residence in a residentially zoned area between 10 pm and 10 am." Construction noise is
permitted between 7 am and 7 pm on weekdays.
Parking Enforcement Guidelines
- Parking in the Wrong Direction: All vehicles parked on a public street must be facing the flow of traffic.
- 24 Hour Parking Violations: If you park a vehicle on a public street, you must move that vehicle every 24 hours. Any vehicle that appears to be abandoned or has an expired registration or inspection sticker may be subjected to a citation and/or towed from the location.
- Fire Hydrant: No vehicle is allowed to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
- Cul-de-Sac Parking: Head in parking on a cul-de-sac is prohibited by law. A vehicle parking in a cul-de-sac must park the front and rear tire within 18 inches of the curb.
- Parking on Unapproved Surface: A vehicle must be parked on concrete, asphalt or gravel. If a vehicle is parked on gravel, the gravel must have a depth of 6 inches and have a border around the space to prevent losing gravel. It is illegal to park on grass.
- Cars for Sale: It is illegal to advertise a vehicle for sale on a public street.
- Blocking Sidewalks and Driveways: It is illegal to park on a public sidewalk or block a person’s driveway preventing access to a home or business.
- Commercial Vehicles: You are not allowed to park a commercial vehicle or an 18 Wheeler vehicle on a residential street.