Online Payments
Use the process below to submit payment via PayPal. There is a $1.00 service charge that will be included in your membership contribution.

1. Resident Membership (2025) - Amount $
Donations starting at $30.00 per calendar year, and is now open for 2025 renewal! 
Limit one membership per household. If you are feeling generous, please consider becoming a Friend of Lakewood Trails ($80), or you are welcome to add in an additional contribution to support Lakewood Trails projects and activities. 
Sometimes it’s difficult to remember if you’ve paid your yearly LTNA membership dues — especially if you pay early in the year! We’ve got a solution for you: just login to our website and review your profile information. Your user name is the primary email address for your household. Under LTNA Membership Details, you will see how long your family has been a member of LTNA and when your membership expires. When you do this, please take a moment and also make sure we have accurate information (address, phone numbers, etc.) for your account.
2. Friend of Lakewood Trails NA (2025) - Amount $
Donations starting at $80. 
Friends of Lakewood Trails NA include a one year Resident Membership for one calendar year. All Friends of Lakewood Trails NA will be listed on our Sponsor page for the year. 
3. Gift Membership (2025) - $ 30.00
Give the gift of a membership to a neighbor.
4. Bluebonnet Level Sponsor - $ 50.00
*** This level is only available to active members of the LTNA who live within our neighborhood boundaries and have home-based businesses. ***
 This sponsorship is valid for one full year from your date of purchase.